Brazil Amacafe
From three farms, Jaguara meaning strong women, Santa Edwirges meaning protector of the poor and Paraiso meaning Paradise), producing excellent coffee while improving the life of the workers.
Amacafe - Women's Group
Tasting notes
Wild strawberry, red berries, raisins, almond milk and dark chocolate, long finish
Fazenda Jaguara: The farm was begun in 2001 in Campo das Vertentes region, as an innovative project of a single family family. In 2013, André and Natália took over the administration of the farm, having as their biggest goal, after the birth of their children, to transform the world in a better place. In order to make it happen, they innovated planting, investing in sustainability, in agroforestry, making the most of local natural resources, preserving the environment biodiversity and thus, obtaining the CO² Negative Certificate in 2021. They are from a producing family of rich heritage that started coffee growing in 1950, where grandparents, parents and grandchildren have been always present in the fields and processes, focused on specialty coffees in varied processes, producing high quality and dedicated coffees. In 2019, the farm won fifth best coffee in Brazil, with a score of 90.47 at Cup of Excellence competition. Nowadays, Jaguara Farm seeks not only to produce with quality, but to improve the lives of its workers and doing so in a sustainable manner.
Sitio Santa Edwirges: Tatiane worked at Pedralva City Hall, but unfortunately suffered from some health problems. After recovering, she decided to change her life and become a producer of specialty coffees at Sitio Santa Edwiges, which her husband Ivan had inherited. In 2018 she started studying and working in coffee and in 2022 she joined Amecafé, thus gaining more knowledge about coffee management and processing. In the following years - with the help of her husband - she modernized the Sitio by investing in new machines and modern equipment to produce excellent coffees.
Fazenda Paraiso: Producer Cristiana Bustamante is part of the fourth generation of coffee growers in the Fortes Bustamante family. Christina is a qualified veterinarian, she gave up her profession to dedicate herself to the farm, where she has now worked for more than 20 years. Her love of coffee growing materialised when her father decided to produce specialty coffees. Since then, Cristiana has been taking courses to train herself and learn more about all the processes in this exciting world of coffee growing. Her father is now 90 years old and continues to work on the farm. Cristiana and her sister Claúdia manage the farm and are part of AMECAFÉ.
The coffee is grown amongst a managed forest of banana and avocado trees to provide shade, moisture and to enrich the soil with nitrogen. Once hand picked, the coffee is put into raised drying beds to initially dry the coffee before milling. All three farms share these attributes which is why they were selected to be blended together for this single lot. The three farms also share an outlook of sustainability, with all three attaining the Certifica Minas, which is a certificate to state that at every level of production you are actively
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